‘Never before in our history have places of worship of a religious minority been ravaged on such a large scale and in so deliberate a manner’ – this happens to be the lamentation of an editor of one of the leading dailies of Bangladesh in the wake of Islamic onslaughts on Buddhist and Hindu temples at Ramu, Ukhia, Patia and Teknaf under Chittagong Division on September 29 and 30, 2012.
What can be the deduction of this depends on the onlooker but to a sane individual – it’s nothing except the pangs of regret (of sanity) in a beleaguered nation like Bangladesh opting for to move further counting on Islamic fundamentalism – sole aim of which remains subjugation or complete extermination of religious minorities in the country.
The comment appears to be impuissance of Bangladeshi conscience and to be precise, it will remain the same till the last infidel does exist there. Will there be an end to this ever? Any such possibility remains a distant dream only – Hindus and Buddhists remaining without the political and social will, essential to make a drastic change, to do so happens to be the greatest stumbling block.
Surely Hindus and Buddhists in Bangladesh share a doomed fate all in all – they have nowhere to go and will have to endure more such widespread Islamic attacks.
Hindus and Buddhists are lost in Islamic Bangladesh.
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