In a happy turn of events on the 27th of June, 2008, Sri Tapan Kumar Ghosh and others who were incarcerated in the Diamond Harbour Jail for the Gangasagar incident, were freed on bail. At the hearing at Kakdwip Court yesterday all the accused (falsely) persons for the Gangasagar incident of June 12th were freed on personal bail bonds of Rs.1000/- each. As expected, the West Bengal Police could not substantiate any of the 'heavy duty' charges they had levelled against Sri Tapan Kumar Ghosh and others; and were roundly reprimanded by the judge.
The accused who were freed on bail are:
- Sri Tapan Kumar Ghosh
- Sri Sundar Gopal Das
- Sri Amal Bose
- Sri Prasenjit Sardar
- Sri Jagannath Ash
- Sri Pintu Das
- Sri Samir Mondal
- Sri Dulal Sardar
- Sri Kamal Sardar
- Sri Mukunda Kolay
- Sri Ram Naskar
- Sri Prasenjit Haoladar
- Sri Bappa Samanta
- Sri Swapan Mondal
- Sri Gaur Das
Media did a blackout on this incident and most over the country were not aware of this at all
ReplyDeleteIf it really was true incident then why don't you invest efforts to bring this out in public ... media
The media is controlled by COmmies, Jihadis and Missionaries and we cannot expect anything else from them. Odds are heavily stacked against Hindus in India. WAKE UP HINDUS
ReplyDelete@ vikramsjn
ReplyDeleteNDTV covered the incident in a very short form. And their pics have been duly acknowledged. The rest of the media has decided on a conspiracy of silence. They blackout anything Hindu, until the issue explodes and goes out of hand. Then of course the hindus are to blame.
We take exception to your comment 'if it really was true'. We have put up the pictures to prove our coverage. Both on the spot and at the hospital. Now you decide whether it is true or not.
Today internet is as big a medium as the MSM, if not bigger. That is why such incidents can no longer be suppressed, inspite of the best efforts of the MSM.