Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hindu Defense Organization Being Launched in East India - Hindu Samhati

Hindu Defense Organization Being Launched in East India - Hindu Samhati

5, Bhuban Dhar Lane. Kolkata-700012

Dear Friends,
Taking the words of Swami Vivekananda I would like to say that the visually challenged cannot see the imminent threat of another partition. The deaf cannot hear its footsteps. And the fact is another partition is forthcoming in the Eastern region of India which is going to de-link Bengal and Assam. The futile dream of 1905 and the incomplete dream of 1947 finally seems be fulfilled and a long cherished vision will be realized. They say, the British snatched Bengal, Bihar and Orissa from them in the battle of Plassey in 1757 and hence it was their duty (farz) to give them back this entire area at the time of their departure in 1947. Instead, the British deprived them, giving them only half of Bengal. The British had cheated them. (Continue below)

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And now they are determined to assert their right of ruling Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa. The first step in this direction was taken in 1947. The second step is conquering West Bengal and Assam.
However, the people living in the border districts of West Bengal can already hear their footsteps and every day the sound is growing louder. Even the inhabitants of Birbhum, Howrah, Hooghly, Burdwan, East Midnapur can hear these footfalls. The Kolkatans have recently witnessed the anti-Taslima violence on 21 November at Park Circus. But this is only a trailer and in a few days they will get to see the entire movie.

Friend, you might be surprised by what I am saying. The incidents at Dhantala, Bantala, Bashanti, Sonakhali and Hemtabad were not pre-planned. Rather they occurred due to lack of planning and control. Their stratagem is wide and has far reaching consequences. To materialize their plans, they are quietly and stealthily increasing their population on both sides of the Border. Production is being carried out on the other side and the product is supplied in this side. Their population is increasing at an alarming rate. We have already become minority in 10 districts of West Bengal and Assam. If we consider the blocks, we are a minority in 62 of them. In these areas we are living completely at their mercy. In several places blowing of conchshells, celebration of Holi, Durga Puja and Saraswati Puja in schools have been banned. Our mothers and sisters are living in terror, not at the thought of what is going to happen, but by witnessing what is happening.

Unfortunately, these incidents are not being allowed to be brought to light by the vested interests. The cries of human sufferings and persecution are lost by the incessant blowing of the trumpet of Secularism! What is more tragic, the Sachar Committee is trying to put the blame on the Hindus for all the backwardness of the Muslims, as if it is we who are exploiting them!

But what would be the outcome of such Muslim appeasement? Haven’t we suffered enough during the partition of 1947? Did not Dr. Ambedkar clearly point out the disastrous results of such appeasement during the pre-partition days? And that disaster was the loss of our hearth and homes, that disaster was the loss of the honour of our women, that disaster was the earning of the ‘refugee’ tag by millions of Hindus.

In spite of this our political leaders continue to aid and abet this policy of appeasement, though most of them happen to be refugees themselves! And we, the Hindus, seem to have resigned ourselves to follow the path of the ostrich to tide over this crisis. But don’t we realize that we cannot save ourselves in this way? Our forefathers could not do it in 1947, the Hindus of Kashmir could not do it in 1990, and we will not be able to do so either when our turn comes.

And therefore, we have come out to protest – to protest against this policy of appeasement, this inertia and this hypocrisy. We have come out with the resolve to protect our country, to protect the honour of our women, to protect the Hindus in general and the Hindu Swabhiman. Whatever may be the outcome of this fight, one thing is for sure – we shall not yield an inch to the enemy without a fight. WE SHALL NOT SURRENDER.

We, therefore, felt the need of a new platform to mobilize all Hindus for this purpose and the name that has been proposed is Hindu Samhati. In this respect, a meeting has been called at Bharat Sabha Hall on 14 February 2008, which will be graced by some of the most eminent Hindu personalities of our times.

You are most cordially welcome.

Tapan Kr. Ghosh
Contact: 94330 37705

Venue: Bharat Sabha Hall
62, B. B. Ganguly Street, Kolkata-12
(Near “CENTRAL” Metro Station)
Date: 14 February 2008, Thursday
Time: 1.00 pm

Swami Ashimanandaji (Gujarat), Swami Pradiptanandaji (Murshidabad), Swami Punyalokanandaji, Shri K.N. Govindacharya , Smt. Himani Savarkar (Pune), Shri Pramod Mutalik (Bangalore), Shri Bharat Bhai (Gujarat), Shri Dhananjay Pathak (Meerut), Shri Shailendra Jain (Delhi) Shri Anil Lamba (Delhi), Shri Sudhir Patel (Patna)

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  1. 1. hindus committed adharma by letting the jihadis partition half of their motherland and murder their men rape their women and sell their children as slaves

    2. My Take:
    Yes indeed. We Hindus have committed Adharma, but it is not 60 years old either ( partition-event ). We Hindus have been taking SH** from the Moslems for 1200 years. We have committed Adharma, by our failure to knock off the Sullas.

    3. Yes, our Adharma is evil, immoral, and absolutely wicked. It totally disregards basic Hinduism principles, it is totally contrary to Hindu Dharma. It is looting of Mother Bharat.

    4. It is better to perish in battle, than to see such an outrage to our Hinduism.

    Surinder Paul Attri

  2. 1. Attriji

    According to the noted Islamic author, historian and scholar, MRA Baig, "Islam was devised a religion to end all religions".

    This is what its followers are working on day and night, but we are not heeding to it and we are being mesmerized to ignore it, because SARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY".


    2. My Take:
    Chaudhari Sahib:
    Thanks for your good question regarding Signor Baig’s observation.

    3. Quote: According to the noted Islamic author, historian and scholar, MRA Baig, "Islam was devised a religion to end all religions".

    COMMENT: Signor Baig’s observation is free from error, but his diagnosis is equally applicable to Christianity.
    Both Islam & Christianity came to finish off all other religions. Hence, both Islam & Christianity are “ Replacement-Religions. “

    Staying with Islam alone, for simplicity sake, it is because of this menu item of Islam, that Moslems have massacred hundreds of millions of Non-Moslem Kafirs, through the 14 centuries of Islam’s existence. There has not been a religion on God’s earth which, has shed so much Kafir-Blood as Islam has. It is because of this blast of Islam that, Moslems are always at war with Non-Moslem Kafir religions of the world.
    Quran “ clearly “ states that, it is a mercy to kill a Kafir, and a surest way for a Moslem to go to Janat ( Moslem’s Paradise ), where 72 Houris are waiting to entertain him with the most fabulous-sex. Quran in one hand and sword ( or gun ) in the other, to kill & get killed, there is no other alternative for a Moslem.

    4. Quote: This is what its followers are working on day and night, but we are not heeding to it and we are being mesmerized to ignore it, because SARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY".

    COMMENT: Are we Hindus mesmerized ?
    We sure are, but with a different conundrum. Let us face it. We Hindus are Not angels. We are selfish, too damn selfish. We Hindus want to defend out Hinduism, but we do not want to pay the price of defending Hinduism. We want some one else to pay this price. In other words, we desire a Free-Lunch. But there is no free-lunch in life.

    The Hindu has brain-washed himself into an attitude of selfishness ( or blind-individualism, if you will ), he is grabbing this creature by any means whatsoever. Because the Hindu regards his welfare and the welfare of his family, at the top of his priority, and the welfare of his Hindu community as un-important, the Hindu community remains terribly disunited & dismally-weak. If I may put it in a quick-book format, this Hindu attitude is a complete package for Hindu disaster. As an outgrowth of this terrible-attitude, the Hindu lives under constant terror of Islam. That is about the size of how, life plays out for us Hindus.

    Surinder Paul Attri

  3. Subj: Reaction to Shri Chaudhari's comment
    1. Attriji
    Unfortunately, there is a consistant and strenuous effort to drift the young mind away from our glorious past and achievements, but to inculcate in their psyche that we are a diluted lot and have nothing of our own to be proud of.
    Please peruse this week's Organiser (25th Jan) www.organiser.org
    BK Chaudhari
    2. My Take:
    Chaudhari Sahib:
    There is ample evidence that, the phoney-liberal bunch of India, constantly undermines the dazzling past of the Hindu civilization, and purposely whacks what it refers to as, the lousy & less than perfect past of the Hindu. How can our Hindu boys feel any pride or success, in being a Hindu ?
    Worse yet, a typical phoney-liberal, ignores the increasing incidences of street riots staged by Sullas on petty pretexts, explaining that Moslems are a poor & persecuted minority, entirely at the mercy of a “ brute Hindu majority, “ and that Moslem lives & property, are not safe in the face of, a rising tide of Hindu communalism.
    3. This propaganda of the Phonies is pure Bull-sh**. The momentum of this mis-information must be broken, until its authors are vanquished and taken over by our Hindu batch.
    Surinder Paul Attri

  4. 1. Dear Friends
    Though I am quite impressed by the spiritual commitments of all of you, I feel it is time for some plain speaking and introspection. No spiritual pursuit can be sustained, nor is it possible to achieve any spiritual bliss, if there is no security of lives of the citizens - as happens to be the case today.
    Please recall that when Rishi Vishwamitter found that Rakshasas will not allow him to carry on with his ' tapasya' and spiritual pursuits, he went to Maharaja Dashrath and sought the protection of his 2 warrior sons, Sri Rama and Lakshman so that they may ward off /kill the Rakshasas trying to disrupt the Rishi's yagna and tapasya.
    It is time to learn the lesson that without armed protection no spiritual pursuit will be allowed by jihadis (read today's Rakshasas)
    Ram rkohri@gmail.com

    2. My Take:
    I concur.

    3. The account of Rishi Vishwamitter has a lesson for us. The watch-word is that:
    “ The Yagna & Tapasya of the Brahmins can only be practiced/guaranteed, behind the shield of the Kashatriya.

    4. If left to their own devices, the Rakshishas of Islam, who have a special command, to wage war against the Kafirs of the world, shall swallow the whole earth.

    5. Therefore, Vedic guard & Kashatriya-Shield, “ Must “ be “ Awesome. “

    Surinder Paul Attri
