Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Illegal mosque construction within Diamond Harbor Sub-divisional Court unabated
Monday, December 26, 2011
Hindu Samhati marches on in Canning dauntlessly
Witness brings rape charge against Sayedee
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Hindu Samhati attains great success in Hasnabad
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Our Struggle – Troubles of State and Nation are not similar
Monday, December 19, 2011
Dipika has been Recovered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How far does the ISI money go? Quite far, for sure
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Shariyat and Country Liquor in West Bengal
Nurul Islam, alias Khoka (Khokon) Badshah Is the Main Culprit.
Since Long In Mograhat, Selim And Nurul Are Government.
Both Are Still At Large.
People Think They Are In Safe Shelter Of Some Politicians (blessed by) or The Other.
Both Politicians And Police Are Financial Beneficiaries.
Police Thinks That It Is Futile To Arrest Muslim Culprits For Obvious Reasons.
Therefore, What’s Harm Taking Money From Them!!
Politicians Think, These Muslim Culprits Will Fetch Them Both Money And Vote.
Moreover, These M – Criminals Will Supply Them The Much Needed Muscle Power To Silence The Opposition. This Technology Was Mastered By The Leftist Parties the art borrowed from their foreign counterparts, Not Only CPIM, But Also Forward Block, RSP, SUCI, etc.
Therefore, Shed Some Crocodile’s Tear After Any Major Mishap, Let The People Shout For Sometime. Everything Will Be Okay In Due Course.
In This Horrible Mograhat Case, Mamata Banerjee Opened The Treasury Of State Govt., As If It Is Her Own Money And As If, The Dead Persons Are Martyrs For Some Great Cause. Every Victim Will Get 2 Lakh Rupees Hard Earned By You And I as compensation for their fun though, they claim, consumption of liquor is against Shariyat law.
People Are Compelled To Think That This Large Heartedness Only Because Almost All The Victims Are Muslims.
She Does Not Think What A Dreadful Bad Precedence She Has Set For Future References.
If This Is Not Muslim Appeasement, Then What Else?
This Naked Muslim Appeasement Will Take Our West Bengal To Which Disaster?

Friday, December 16, 2011
Dipika – quarry of Love Jihad
She has been abducted by Mujibar Lasker, her fiancé and a worker in the Jari industry, who feigned as Dibakar Halder over phone and slowly a relationship grew up between them.
Dipika has been missing from December 05, 2011and in spite of large efforts, there is no success (to find her out) yet.
To Know More Please Read:
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Bangladesh - The Vested Properties Return Act, 2011
Vested Property Act in
In accordance with researches, the nefarious decree was made to repress Hindus and strip them of all of their possessions and thus make them get lost in the oblivion. It is also reckoned, 75% of all Hindus lands in
For all these reasons, it is largely expected, The Vested Properties Return Act, 2011, endorsed by the Parliament of Bangladesh, will perform a historical job by returning property confiscated from the country's vast minority Hindu population.
Well, there is also a word of caution. As some Hindu organizations have started to state that the Bill has failed to gratify their decade-old aspirations altogether, it must be seen whether something effective takes place ultimately or it draws flak only.
To Know More Please Read:
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Minority Community in Bangladesh not safe
The condition of Bengali Hindus has never been safe in
What remained after that was in fact a minuscule population of Hindus that has been dwindling with each day on account of mounting state repression and atrocities of Islamic community.
The present situation is out of the frying pan into the fire – from the sizeable 29% population in the whole country in 1949 Hindu community in Bangladesh has come down to mere 8%, if not less.
Atrocities continue without respite.
To Know More Please Read:
Monday, December 12, 2011
Hindu Samhati’s 4 th Annual Convention resolves to strengthen Hindu Struggle
Hindu Samhati organized its two-day long 4 th annual convention at Malia, Hamiragachi, District: Hoogly, Bengal on 10-11 December, 2011 and with the presence of organization’s combative leadership and hundreds of selected bellicose activists across the state, the conference truly turned into a festival of the masses. While the meeting was presided over by Sri Tapan Ghosh, president, Hindu Samhati, Dr. Arun Giri, Pradip Das, Sunil Munshi and Sundar Goap Das, other dignitaries were also found to grace the meeting from time to time.
Discussions on an assortment of crucial (reigning and also upcoming) issues were done meticulously and apt interactions between activists and leadership on how to deal with a situation and overpower adversaries and thus secure Hindu causes took place more often than not.
“Jai Sri Ram” slogan rocked the conference and its environs by and large. 4 th annual convention ended with a firm resolution – to defend every Hindu cause and dedicate one’s own self for its excellence.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Hindu villagers in Sankrail, Howrah face worst
Islamic predominance resolute to destroy Hindus
District of Howrah in Bengal is one of the greatest havens of Muslim rowdies and crooks – this is not any new info but surely how predominant Muslim areas there are engulfing neighboring pocket-size Hindu areas (slowly but steadily) is a new issue that must be dealt with much gravity. This significance derives its strength from the one and only apprehension – complete absorption leads to cessation of Hindu identity in the same area and its environs once and for all – deepest crisis being faced by Hindus in Kamdevpur, Sankrail (South), P.S. Sankrail, District: Howrah.
The Hindu village, encircled by antipathetic Muslim villages, is getting more and more vulnerable and two successive Islamic assaults have scared it on the whole. While one of them is the assault on Hindu houses on Muharram (December 06, 2011) by Muslims moving forward with the Taziya, the second is the destruction of Shitalatala temple (on December 08, 2011) in the village by Muslim rowdies, known for their rampage in the neighborhood.
It has been learnt that on the day of Muharram an Islamic procession (armed also) with Tazia, led by infamous Muslim rowdies like Asgar Sheikh, Aftar Khan, Jamir Sheikh, Rabial Khan, was passing by (at 7.30 pm) the houses of Bhuto Malik and Boku Malik (both Hindus) and intentionally destroyed hay-made fence of Bhuto and cowshed of Boku. An FIR has been filed against aforementioned persons and their accomplices at the local police station.
The second case – the more dreadful one, happened on December 08, 2011 when villagers, in the early morning, found that the indigenous Shitalatala temple had been destructed. In accordance with villagers, the demolition took place between 2-3 am at night. FIR, in this regard, has also been lodged.
Now here is a question. Why is Hindu-Muslim relation in the village at an all-time low? A meticulous investigation has brought to the fore some cruel yet highly imperative facts. It has been learnt that Muslims, in spite of enjoying their predominant position for years, started to pass by Hindu area with Tazia on every Muharram day only three years ago and it was to teach Hindus a lesson. What are the faults of Hindus? Hindus in the village, on every year, celebrate Kali Puja and make a grand procession (with official permission) to immerse the Holy Deity. The procession, by coincidence, goes past the local Singhamara Masjid and this irks Muslims and also provokes them to teach Hindus a lesson.
Destruction of the temple is a new beginning, done by Muslim cronies to test nerves of Hindus. There may be innovation in next approaches, depending on the ongoing experiment.
Police is patrolling the village of Kamdevpur at this point in time. What will happen to Hindus once the police force is withdrawn?
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Chengail witnesses Islamic onslaught on Muharram once more
Muharram happens to be the first month in the Islamic calendar and is also one of the four most sanctified months of the year wherein fighting remains proscribed. The diktat is certainly appreciable but surely it does not entail confrontation with infidels; Muharram happens to be an occasion in
It was 5.30 pm yesterday (December 06, 2011) at Nimtala, Chengail, P.S. Uluberia, when a large religious procession (Tazia) of Muslims marking Muharram, escorted by police, was passing by the area. A large number of observers were there including lots of Hindus, busy in chit-chat among themselves. Nevertheless, one issue dominated most – it was the dearth of apposite compensation of last year’s attack on Hindus (Islamic onslaughts on Hindus in Muharram have become common in Chengail almost by now). Muslims in the procession did hear this; while a few of them warned Hindus of dire consequences, others, being belligerent more, stated in public that Hindus would be taught a lesson within the next 2 days. Strikingly, all these took place before police personnel manning the crowd.
And the warning was not a prank in any way. Today (December 07, 2011) at 9.30 am 6 Hindu shops, in Aimabazar – 1, positioned close to Nimtala, Chengail, were attacked by a Muslim mob and burnt down within a few minutes. Some of these happen to be sweet shops of Paresh Maity and Dayal respectively, cloth shop of Manoranjan and vegetable shop of Tarun.
The situation was highly explosive and fearing more Islamic attacks in due course Hindus started to defend themselves; as a part of defence, 2 Muslim shoe shops, decorative and profitable, were reduced to ashes. Noticeably, Muslim attacks died down eventually.
RAF has been deployed to quell any form of ruckus and violence in the area.
As per fresh reports, lots of Hindu houses in adjoining Shantinagar have been destroyed. It has also been learnt that Muslims are preparing for a wild attack and it will commence once RAF is withdrawn.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
December 06 – Hindu Shaurya Day
Chances do come rarely in the life of any individual or any nation or nationality. And to express own worth, stabilize identity one must exploit it best – an eternal truth; the same was done by Hindus on December 06, 1992 through demolishing Babri Masjid, devilish structure on Sri Ram Janmabhumi (birthplace of Sri Ram) throttling Hindu confidence for centuries, to break shackles of Islamic dominance once and for all in India.
What followed was a stream of blood, initiated by Muslims to teach Hindus a lesson for the lifetime for such a daring act and responded by valorous Hindus committed to ideology of No Surrender. A domino effect of it was witnessed in neighboring countries of
It was Babur, the first Mughal emperor, under whose guidance the infamous mosque was built in Ayodhya, regarded as one of the holiest cities of Hindus (being the birth place of Sri Ram) across the globe, in 1527 and was also named after him. There have been lots of other mosques in the neighborhood but the significance of the disputed site always used to highlight the structure. From the very beginning myriad Hindu accounts have been confirming the mosque to be built destroying an ancient temple dedicated to Sri Rama.
To find a definite solution out, a series of archaeological excavations, under the auspices of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), took place in 1970, 1992 and 2003 and each and every report has mentioned the existence of an extensive Hindu complex in the disputed site only. Only in 2003, being ordered by the Hon’ble Court of India, ASI conducted an in-depth study to ascertain the kind of structure existing beneath the wreckage and it stated officially the presence of “ distinctive features associated with………… temples of north India.” It also stated, “stone and decorated bricks as well as mutilated sculpture of a divine couple and carved architectural features, including foliage patterns, amalaka, kapotapali, doorjamb with semi-circular shrine pilaster, broke octagonal shaft of black schist pillar, lotus motif, circular shrine having pranjala (watershute) in the north and 50 pillar bases in association with a huge structure.”
Without a shred of doubt, the findings of ASI have sent a shudder through the spine of Indian brand of secularism that has compelled its greatest votaries to term the entire report as concocted. The Union Government of India is too afraid to come to a final conclusion, being apprehensive of the resurgence of true Hindutva force in Indian populace once and for all.
Here is a question. What do all said findings of ASI authenticate? It deduces one conclusion only; the entire Babri Masjid was an expression of Islamic triumph on the land of Hindus and to exhibit the ultimate supremacy of Islam over Hinduism – an intrinsic trait of the religion (political treatise is perhaps a better word!). And what Hindus did on December 06, 1992 was not a crime in any way but a religious job – fulfillment of aspirations of their predecessors.
Demolition of Babri Masjid was the perfect expression of Hindu “Shaurya” or valor that has got to be repeated at every time when Dharma is in danger – Hindus are just following footsteps of their proud ancestors.
Idam Brahmam Idam KshatramShapadapi Sharadapi.

No nationality is as vulnerable as Hindus, suffocated by the devilish nexus of Christian colonialists, perpetual Islamic adversaries along with Hindu treasonists completely, at this time throughout the globe. And without doubt, the crisis is increasing with each day it passes.
Is it impossible for Hindus to break these shackles and emerge as truly independent after centuries of thralldom (slavery)? Hindu activism and assertiveness is the need of the hour. But it is also not an easy task. How can all these be done in one go?
To Know More Please Read:
Monday, December 5, 2011
Hindu housewife ravished in Narail, Bangladesh
Latest victim of Hindu persecution in
Police, as usual, is yet to take the Islamic culprits into custody and Hindus are living in abject fear in the neighborhood.
To Know More Please Read:
Burgeoning Muslim reservation seals Hindu fate only
None cares for Hindus in
Whatever may be the result in the election, without doubt this strategy would be taken up as the best procedure to get and retain power among parties cutting across political lines. This is not a wildest fear but experiences prove how similar strategies adopted in the past ruined Hindu fate.
Unless Hindus get able to call this a halt, its fate will be sealed further. The successful UP experiment will spread its tentacles far and wide in
To Know More Please Read:
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Statement on Mograhat Incident
2 Muslim women died in police firing on 1 December: Police Must Not Be Blamed.
It is for the first time that the state govt. dared to take an absolutely correct and legitimate step to stop Electricity theft by Muslims which is most common in all Muslim majority areas of West Bengal. I congratulate Mamata Banerjee for her exemplary courage. Hindus appreciate Mamata for this and future effort to stop all type of illegal and criminal misdeeds of Muslims all over West Bengal.
Now CPIM and Congress will surely jump in the scene and will try to fish in the muddy water. In this case the 'fish' is minority vote. So, they will suppress the fact that Muslims were stealing the electricity, and it is their regular practice all over West Bengal and all over India. They will try to gloss over that the very life of 25 people (16 were employees of WB State Electricity Board and the rest were Police personnel) were in great danger, as the mob had surrounded them after blocking all the connecting roads to that area, and were intent upon beating the Govt. personnel to death. These vote hungry parties will also suppress that how violently “ordinary” Muslims, not the “criminal” Muslims, attack the administrative personnel when they try to stop illegal activities in Muslim areas and enforce the law.
In the most communally sensitive district of South 24 Parganas, where Muslim population has exceeded 35 percent and where TMC first got its electoral success by wining the Zilla Parishad even before its last parliamentary election success. And made Shamima Bibi the Sabhadhipati of Zilla Parishad (Chairperson of District Council). Muslims have been shocked most by the unexpected behavior of police. After being sure of Mamata’s attitude or intention, their ‘majhabi’ and political leadership decided to confront it head on. Hence, this (Mograhat incident) is 3rd major clash between Muslim and Police within a span of 38 days in this district. First was attacking Kulpi Police Station and its family quarters on 26 October, second was attack on the police team of Jibantala P.S. by a violent Muslim mob when police caught a notorious criminal Kutubuddin, and the third is Mograhat.
After this untoward incident of Mograhat, surely Mamata Banerjee will be in a tricky position. To quell the situation, she has to take some steps which will displease many, particularly the pro Hindutva supporters and activists, and also the police personnel. This development is a defining moment for her. Let us hope that she successfully gets out of the tricky situation and governs the state smoothly.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Muslim mob bombs, crushes police personnel in Nainan, Mograhat
Police attempted to stop hooking of electricity there
Hooking of electricity has become a common practice in the Muslim-dominated areas throughout District: 24 Paraganas (South); village Nainan, P.S. Mograhat is no different and if the government officials dare to call this illegal practice a halt even for once, (violent) battering or thrashing waits for them only.
Is this an isolated incident? Even if the reigning government and its secular Left opposition love to term this as a stray incident, reality depicts that situation is out of the frying pan into the fire. Several recent incidents including attacks on police in Dalanghata near Diamond Harbour, ransacking of Kulpi police station (http://hindusamhati.blogspot.com/2011/10/armed-islamic-gangs-run-riot-in-kulpi.html), inhuman thrashing of police personnel of P.S. Jibantala (http://hindusamhati.blogspot.com/2011/10/does-jibantala-ink-hindu-obituary-in.html) and now of P.S. Mograhat in village Nainan prove how Muslims are dauntless and have virtually declared a war against police and administration in District: 24 Paraganas (South).
Without a shred of doubt, this form of Islamic Jihad is going to increase only in the coming months by leaps and bounds, unless checked.
Two Muslim women, Saheba Bibi (age 32) and Rezina Khatun (age 14), have died owing to police firing.