Below are the pictures of the Deganga Riots collected by the Hindu Samhati Investigation team.
Broken Murti at the Kali temple.
Desecrated and broken Murti – close up.
This is a West Bengal Police Jeep – pushed into the pond by the huge mob of jihadi rioters, after the policemen were beaten up.
A Police truck burned to a cinder.
Military trucks of the Indian Army at Deganga
A man watches a ransacked house.

A humble home deroofed – thats the stuff communal harmony is made of, just before Eid too!
Ransacked shop
Ransacked shop 2
Ransacked home
A lady wails before her destroyed home as neighbours watch.
Burned out home.
A man looks through the ashes of his home, maybe to pick up the remains of his life.
Same man, holding a partially burnt book – looks like a child’s school book.
Burnt home.
Another home burnt and ransacked.
Burnt home. The surprising fact is the utensils of the hapless family are still there, they have not been looted. Maybe with the army at their heels the jihadis didn’t have the time. It is also quite difficult to be fleet footed when you are weighed down with plunder. Well, better luck next time. (There will be a next time, don’t you worry)
Home burnt to a cinder. The half burnt calendar on the wall shows a picture of Baba Loknath – one of the popular Hindu saints of Bengal.
Broken tube well.
The bone of contention, the Durga Mandap – this is permanent structure where Durga Puja, the biggest Bengali religious festival is held every year. The land behind the Mandap is a deserted and disputed graveyard whose ownership is sub judice in court. This place is called ‘Chattal Palli’. It would be immediately apparent to any Bengali speaking person that this village was set up by Hindu refugees of partition from the district of Chattagram or Chittagong in East Bengal.
Durga Mandap – pandal for this years Puja is being constructed.
Durga mandap – close up.
Trouble spot. This narrow unmetalled path connects the Durga Mandap and Chattal palli to the main road. The local Muslims started to dig a canal across this path to isolate both Durga mandap and the village from the main road. They have already laid a claim on the disputed graveyard. Isolation would aid them to grab the temple land at the earliest opportunity. The local Hindus resisted.
The poster reads – Why were the Hindus assaulted under the leadership of the Hindu haters Miraz, Maqluqar, Sohrab and Taleb (local Muslim goons and petty politicos)? We deamand an answer from the government. Signed – The Villagers.
Hindu demonstration at Deganga. Police present in full force.
Local Hindus demonstrate on the main road.
The poster reads – Ratna Roychowdhuryr greftaar chai (we want Ratna Roychowdhury arrested) Ratna Roychowdhury (Hindu), a local TMC heavyweight allegedly pressurised the police not to take any drastic action when rioting was going on full scale.
The posters read – Haji tumi hunshiyar (Haji, you are warned), Nurul hajir greftaar chai (we want Nurul Haji arrested). This refers to Haji Nurul Islam, the MP of Bashirhat of the Trinamool Congress party.
Local Hindu ladies demonstrate against the outrage

The poster reads – We want the persecutors of the Hindus to be arrested.
Dear visitors, you have the mollycoddling report of the Indian Media of a very serious outrage and you have our pictographic report. Now decide for yourself. The Bengali Media reports that groups like Hindu Samhati and Prabasi are fanning the communal fires and vilifying Haji Nurul Islam, the TMC MP of Bashirhat. Its the locals who state that the Haji is responsible.
Posted by Hindu Samhati International Media Communications Team.