The reminiscence of Sonakhali Martyrs are still alive in the public.
Sonakhali, 10th Feb 2010 || At a black dusk on 10.02.2001, four Swayamsevaks of RSS were martyred by the fundamentalist Muslim goons at Sonakhali village under Basanti Police Station in South 24 Pargana dist of West Bengal. As a repercussion, the angry Hindus of the village drove away all the Muslims from that village. Later on, this was known as 'Sonakhali Line'.
For the last two years Hindu Samhati has been organising the Sonakhali Martyr Day, when the State RSS abandoned this programme from their annual agenda since 2008. As a result no RSS office bearer visited Sonakhali Shaheed Mandir to pay homage to the Martyrs this year also.
Hindu Samhati organised two separate programmes this year, one in 2 No. Sonakhali and another in Pitchakhali Primary School near the Smriti Mandir of martyr Avijit sarder, Patitpaban Naskar, Sujit Naskar and Anadi Naskar. This year the portrait of Biswanath Mondal of Noniakhali was also placed along with four others as it is now believed that Biswanath was also murdered in the eraly of 2005 by the Muslim murderers, who kidnapped Biswanath from his house in the disguise of police men. In the Shaheed Smriti Mandir , the martyr relics and plaques were decorated beautifully with the flower petals and wreaths. Upananda Brahmachari, Vice-President of Hindu Samhati and all others offered flowers in the "Smriti Vedi" and mourned one minute with a silence and pang.
In the morning a cloth distribution was held to the poor and tribal people of the area of 2 No. Sonakhali. Sri Bholanath Ghorami, a ninety plus headman of the village presided over the meeting and inspired the present generation. In his short speech Upananda Brahmachari mentioned that the martyrs were genuine social workers of this locality, so it is our duty to do Seva Karya (Social Services) for the Hindus. 90 salwar-kurtas were distributed to the teenage girls..
In the morning a Blood Donation camp was held in Pitchakahali Primary School, where 30 persons including one women donated blood. In the afternoon, a public meeting was held in the school ground. Bikarna Naskar, Hindu Smahati leader of the locality and also a witness and wounded of the Sonakhali incident addressed the audience. Upananda Brahmachari, the main speaker of the function said, nothing can substitute the premature and permanent absence of the martyrs in the bereaved families, but the whole Hindu society should share the grave situations of the society for a stringent retaliation and strong revenge. Brahmachari told the audience to have a patience in the process of the judiciary but categorically stated that this patience cannot be mis-judged with the inaction of the Hindu Society. No body will be spared if the Muslim criminals are not punished properly under law. As the brave Hindu villagers drove away the anti-social Muslims from the locality unitedly and fought a long battle with the politically motivated communal Muslims, it was evolved as a new "SONAKHALI LINE" to inspire many Hindu hardliners. Hindu Samhati also admires this line of active Hindu retaliation. Brahamachari elucidated the matters to the spellbound audience. Sri Dinabandhu Ghorami, a strong Hindu leader of Canning area presided over the meeting and told that the Muslims should not forget the resistence and valour of Hindu people of Sonakhali, where the Muslim anti-socials were defeated clearly. Hindu Samhati workers are ready to fight again to ensure the unfinished work of the heavenly martyrs.
The Hindu Samhati team lead by Brahmachari visited the houses of the martyrs. All the near relations of the martyrs broke down in such a way as if the heinous murder took place just two days before. The portrait of the martyrs were decorated with garlands and fruits and sweets were offered to the martyrs as they liked much in the houses of the martyrs. The Hindu Samhati members consoled the bereaved families and expressed possible support to the unfinished struggle of the martyrs of Sonakahli. The family members demanded an early disposal of the pending cases. The parents of Biswanath Mondal of Nuniakhali also met Upanandaji with an request to take care of the pending case of Biswanath. Upanandaji assured them all that the related matters have already been taken seriously and Hindu Samhati will pursue the matters in right forums. Many of the villagers and family members of martyr families inquired the absence of Tapan Kumar Ghosh, the President of Hindu Samhati, and the then Vibhag Pracharak of RSS, who could not attend the programme this year due to the sad demise of his aged mother just on 9th February.