Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Hindu Temple Burnt, Kali Icon Desecrated and Vandalized in Basirhat, West Bengal

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Press Release: Hindu Samhati Concludes Succesful Regional Conference

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Hindu Convergence at Nainanpur by Hindu Samhati
A grand success overlapped all the hurdles to hold a big Hindu public meeting in Nainanpur under Usthi PS (Police station) in South 24 Pgs ( West Bengal, India) where the Hindus became almost minority in the last few decades. Over one thousand Hindus converged into the venue of Nainanpur primary school ground from adjacent Kulpi, Mandirbazar, Magrahat I & II, Diamond Harbour I blocks on 15th November last to consolidate the Hindu solidarity in this Diamond Harbour Sub-Divisional Hindu Sammelan with a great enthusiasm and sensation.
The function was inaugurated with the Tarja Gan (solo vocal conversational Bengali song) by eminent TV & Radio artist Sushil Naskar ; Prokash Das, reputed journalist of SAMHATI SANGBAD delivered the inaugural speech as an emphatic start of the occasion. Amaresh Mukherjee, an eminent litterateur, artist and educationist described such spontaneous association of Hindu youths is a start of a new Hindu era. He also pointed out that the idealism of Shivaji and Swami Vivekananda can only lead the young force of Hindu Samhati in a right way. Swami Punyalokananda of Sri Ramakrishna Sarada Ashrama categorically told that Hindus should be sensitized more to protect their religion. If Hindus allow any kind of reluctance regarding the sorrow and sufferings of their Hindu neighbors, the plight of Hindus will naturally increase.
Tapan Ghosh, the President of Hindu samhati and the main attraction of the conference energized the gathering by describing the causes of plight and persecution of Hindus in many areas of South 24 Parganas. Sri Ghosh told that all the political parties like Congress, CPIM or Trinamool have to face a peril for their appeasement policy of Muslims and the Hindus have also to face same fate if they do not understand the reality of the situation. The Hindus of this area will have to leave their mother land like the uprooted Hindu refugees of East Bengal, out of this situation. He said that Buddhadev Bhattacharya, Shantimoy Bhattacharya, Mamata Banerjee, Tathagata Roy or Sougata Roy, all were compelled to leave Bangladesh, only for being Hindu. Do they want that present Hindus too transfer this land in the hands of Muslim fundamentalists again, like them forgetting all the interest and unity of Hindus here? Sri Ghosh urged the audiences to build a resistance force and a firm Hindu organisation everywhere.
The active Hindu organizer of the locality, Pratap Hazra aroused a huge sensation and greeted with a big clap by saying that those Hindus opposing Hindu organization are nothing but the enemies of Hindu people and the Hindus will not forgive then anyway. Sri Manthan Arya, Baridbaran Guha, Bimamn Chowdhury, Brojen Roy and Tapan Biswas were the distinguished guests and speakers in the meeting. Ramendranath Mondal, a renowned social worker of the locality presided over the meeting and conveyed his unconditional support to Hindu Samhati in every respect. Upananda Brahmachari conducted the entire programme enticing the varied threads of attractions efficiently. The participation of Hindu women in good numbers in this programme is obviously a remarkable feature in this event.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Barbaric assault on Hindus in Jangipara village
On 15th November, 2009 around 4 PM Trinomool Congress took out a victory procession from the two Muslim dominated villages, namely Sufijangal and Bahana of Jangipara, Hoogly district.
It is noteworthy that about eighty percent of the people who joined and led the procession were Muslims, and the remaining ones were Hindus. Raising fiercely the Islamic slogans, i.e., Allah Ho Akbar and Narae Takdir, the belligerent procession made its way through the main road and entered the Hindu villages one after one, namely Borhol, Khurigachi, Nikash, Dilkhash etc and damaged and looted Hindu shops. The tea stall of Sankar Das (Hindu) at 'Borhol Bypass More' was looted and razed to the ground. "All Hindus of the area will be chopped off"-such slogans were aired. The Hindus were beaten up indiscriminately.
Prasenjit Bag, a well-known worker of Hindu organisations received serious injuries in the attack. He had to be hospitalized and his left limb is still in critical condition. The assailants who hit him with thick rods are listed below:
1) Jambur Mallick (father's name: Ismail Mallick)
2) Sheikh Rojob Ali (father's name: Sheikh Sajjad Ali)
Besides these two, numerous other Muslims committed brutal atrocities against the Hindus in several other villages. According to the account of Prasenjit Bag, quite a few Hindus who sustained several injuries all over their body lied in the beds near him. They told that when Muslims beat and stabbed them with lethal weapons, they reiterated the slogan, "The signs of Islamic terror are being painted on Hindu bodies now". This incident occurred a day before at the nearby village named 'Sitapur'.
Hindu Samhati wants to question the twenty percent Hindus who attended the procession--"you remained silent spectators when such scale of atrocity was committed by Muslims at free will against your brothers. What message are your silence and your impotency supposed to send to the local Hindus, gentlemen?"
Tranlated from the Bengali Monthly 'Samhati Sambad' by Hindu Samhati's International Communications Team. http://www.hindusamhati.org/SS0912.pdf
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Hon'ble Calcutta High Court, Thou too?
Anita can’t be disowned, She is our Daughter
Where are we heading to? This sentence at the very outset may astound you a good deal. Well, before going to any further, let’s check out some readily available facts.
Ever since Islam stepped into the realm of Bengal, forceful conversion of Hindus has been one of the most preferred ploys of the Muslim zealots to make the whole community kowtow. Throughout the Muslim hegemony and 19th century, it was in full swing and gained new momentum with the onset of the 20th century backed by several doctrines. It has been unabated in both erstwhile East Pakistan and contemporary Bangladesh but the same malicious campaign is being witnessed in the Indian state of Bengal too, thanks to the tacit understanding between the pseudo-secular sections and Islamic fundamentalist forces and certainly the uncanny silence of the culpable democratic society.
What is more striking, even the Hon’ble Calcutta High Court, considered as the highest form of judiciary in the state, is corroborating the same spiteful intents. What else can be said if we look at the strange development of the case of Ms Anita Ray?
Ms Anita Ray (aged 15) and Shahidul got married only after she was misled by him. Anita, at the behest of Shahidul, ran from her paternal residence, got converted into Islam and married the venomous guy.
Mr. Suvendu Ray (Anita’s father) got infuriated and with the help of police got hold of the estranged daughter only on 20th October, six days after the couple ran away.
From that period Shahidul was absconding and even though he appealed to the lower court for bail in advance, it was rejected altogether. Strangely enough, yesterday Calcutta High Court has sanctioned the same citing that marriage of women under 15 years is lawful under the Muslim Marriage Act, unlike Hindus. [ Ref : Ananda Bazar Patrika, (page - 7)17.12.09]
What does this lead to? Does the court wish for to affirm that any such act is glorious? Does it want to convey the message that Muslim society is omnipotent and what it does is just? Before that, Anita, at the time of conversion, was of 15 years old only. How can a minor be converted?
It’s definite that the Ray family didn’t consent or respond favorably to the proposal, not to speak of Anita, a minor girl who can’t decide on any such crucial issue, in accordance with Indian Penal Code. What shall the High Court say on this? Is it not illegal to convert a minor as per Indian Constitution?
What can you say then? This is one of the gravest conspiracies known hitherto and must be trounced, forget about remaining indoors and continue to doggone or wish harm upon Shahidul. Without a shred of doubt, he has been backed by the considerable section of Muslims in close proximity, may be there is the involvement of Calcutta section as well.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Hindu Samhati Rescues Hindu Girl and Brings Her Back to Hindu Fold
She is Kalpana Mandal. She is pretty, she is 17 years old, and she is from Basirhat. Few months back, Kalpana was love-trapped by a Muslim man. He encouraged her to leave her parents and flee with him. Entrapped by his pollen fraudulence, she deserted her parents, married him, converted to Islam and began to live with him in his house. Her father made contacts with Hindu Samhati and rescued her. The girl left her house again. Her father then took her to the members of Hindu Samhati and pleaded them to bring her back the right path of life. She stayed with HS members who guided her through this difficult stage in her life. After 15 days, Kalpana changed her mind. She refused to go back to her crafty, conniving Muslim husband. Then Manoj Mukherjee, a young Hindu agreed to marry her. She was married with Manoj on last 22nd November following all Hindu customs and rituals. Now they are living happily, as a bright, cheerful couple.
Please Help Us To Bring More Kalpanas Back To Hindu Fold !
Translated from the Hindu Samhati's mouthpiece Samhati Sambad:
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Three Hindu Temples attacked and damaged by Muslims in Park Circus in Kolkata.
The populace in Bengal again saw a flash of Pakistan in Kolkata heartland on 29th Oct. ’09 evening, behind the Chittaranjan National Medical College and hospital at a distance of few furlong crossing the railway lines from there. Through Ram Mohan Bera Lane (Kolkata-700 046), the procession of Jagadhatri Goddess of local `Bipul Sangha’ Club was heading for its emersion ceremony. When it was passing by a small mosque there named `Madrasha Arabia Jamaetul Ulema’, the insiders from the mosque came out to protest and stop the mike and band party with the procession. But the processionists did not care to hear such unreasonable claim. For this turmoil the procession was with held for the time being.
In the meanwhile the opportunist Muslims announced from the Mosque’s loud speakers that Islam is in danger. They also announced a (fake) attack upon Mosques. Within a moment some 2,000 Muslims gathered there at 10.30pm to attack the procession and a wishful rampage upon Hindus. They broke the mikes and lights of the procession. Moreover they did not spare the chance to attack upon the nearby Hindu temples. The Kali temple by the side of `Bipul Sangha’ Club was attacked first. Then the Muslim hoodlums started to enter far areas to attack and loot Hindu temples and houses. The images of Shiva temple and Kali temple of Adhibas Choudhury Lane in Darapar were broken at some 500 meters away from the Mosque. 20-25 Hindu houses were attacked and damaged. 20 Hindus were injured in this startling attack upon uncared and unprepared Hindus. Hindus of the area spent an unsecured and frightened hours in that night.
In the very next day on Friday on 30th Oct. more than thousand Muslims gathered near the small Mosques to show the Islamic solidarity in the name of Jumma Namaz there. Generally 40-50 Muslims pay Namaz in each Friday. The outsider Namazis jammed the road to pay Namaz and threatened the local Hindus for severe consequences. The frightened Hindus did not dare to make a diary in the police station, while the actual offenders of Muslim community lodged FIR against seven victimized Hindus in the charge of scuffle and looting.
As there was downpour on 3rd November, the Hindu residents of the attacked and damaged houses faced a severe problem in the rain water. They managed the situation anyway by using plastic tarpaulins and some of them make a diary in the police station to register their plight and protest.
The situation is not a new thing in the Park Circus area as this area saw a severe hooliganism and destroy of public properties by the fanatic Muslims lead by Md. Idrish Ali on 21st Nov. 2001 in the protest of Taslima Nasrin’s staying in Kolkata. Under the pressure and persecution many lanes, bye lanes and areas are turned Hinduless and rest of the Hindus are also preparing for leaving the Park circus areas for ever.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
December 6th----Open Letter to Ashok Singhal --- by Tapan Kumar Ghosh
Tapan Kumar Ghosh
Respected Ashokji,
Sadar Pranam (Obeissances unto you).
At the very outset, let me state it unequivocally that Ram Mandir shall be built. Yes and at the exact place where Lord Ram was born. Lifelong penance of Paramhansa Ramchandra Das can’t go to waste. The supreme sacrifice of Ram Kothari, Sarat Kothari and others can't go in vain. But, construction of Ram Mandir got deferred for a long. An enduring seventeen years have passed after demolition of the notorious Babri structure. Time has elapsed and 6th. Dec., the 'Hindu Shaurya Divas' has again revolved back. Let us review on this very day as to why Ram Mandir could not be constructed so far.
To read the full letter by Tapan Ghosh to the Honorable Ashok Singhal, please go to:
Friday, December 4, 2009
Hindu Samhati Activists Arrested for Protesting Against Cow Slaughter in Kalna, West Bengal
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Creation of a New Pakistan in Barrackpore
An absolutely dilapidated mosque, named Bhanga Masjid, is situated in Ward no. 3 of Barrackpore town in North 24 Pargana district. It is just on the side of the main railway track of Sealdah – Krishnanagar line. In last 63 years, i.e., after independence, nobody offered Namaz in that mosque as there is no Muslim locality nearby. Before independence, some Muslims used to live here who migrated to Pakistan after partition.
Just opposite side of the railway line, the name of the locality is ‘Sankharipara’ which is inhabited by refugee Hindu Sankhari community who were forcefully evicted from the famous ‘Sankhari Patty’ of Dhaka by Muslim extremists. A branch of Bharat Sevashram Sangha is situated within 25 meters of the Bhanga Masjid on the same side of the railway line.
In this Bhanga Masjid, a government primary school (Nabarun Vidyamandir) used to run since long time. In fact, all the aged persons of this area were taught in this school in their childhood. About 2 years back, that school became closed due to lack of students.
Adjacent to that dilapidated structure, a club named ‘Sankha Bharati’ is situated. It was established in 1951. It is a registered club with various activities of sports and culture. Within 1 kilometer radius of that spot, there is no Muslim locality/residence.
In the month of April this year, on one Friday before the Parliamentary Election, some Muslim activists came from distant places and tried to offer Namaz in that dilapidated structure. Local people sensing the mal-intents of these outsiders drove them away. Next Friday, Tarit Baran Topdar, the then local M.P. of CPI(M), came there with a few outsider members of a right-wing Muslim lobby group and his party cadres. Local people gathered there, Club members were there and police force from Barrackpur Police Station were also present. Topdar shouted in front of all, “ I am taking the charge of this Mosque. Muslims will offer Namaz here every Friday henceforth. I Challenge anyone and everyone to stop it.” Then he entered the structures leaving his shoes outside along with the Muslims. The police were mere spectators and the local people remained dumb-founded.

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Press Release : Remembering Nov 26--Hindu Samhati's Programs in Districts of West Bengal (with Pictures)
26/11 Mumbai Remembered
Rallies Across Districts of West Bengal
Hindu Samhati is conducting various rallies and meetings in various parts of West Bengal as a follow-up of their grand Kolkata event paying homage to the victims of the 1st anniversary of the attack on Mumbai on 26th November 2008. In addition, the present government and the opposition were held accountable for the degeration of the security of the nation for the last decade.
Prokash Das and Ajit Adhikari, senior activists of Hindu Samhati led a silent march on the 26th in Bangaon Town with over 10,000 mourners joining them through the event: The rally started from the ground of historical Bangaon Town Hall, the mourners conducted a silent march tying black straps in their faces in protest of total inaction of the Indian Government in the matter of the Pakistani threat perception upon India’s internal and external security. Das briefed the stand of Hindu Samhati in general to the local media and commented " We don't want any more 26/11 in West Bengal or anywhere in India." Bangaon a border town in North 24 Pargans with a majority Hindu refugees from Bangladesh reflected a good solidarity with the Mumbai people terribly affected by 26/11 Jehadi attack there.
In a meeting at Canning, South 24 Parganas on 26/11/09 Tapan Ghosh, Presidentof Hindu Samhati addressed a gathering of a vibrant Hindu youths and categorically said that if the challenge of the reactionary Islamo-Fascists are not detected at the grass roots level and countered to the core, the Islamic zealots will eventually demolish the structure of theHindu Society and the Indian nation also. Ghosh also spoke of how Jehadi recruitment in the local levels by ISI, SIMI and other right wing Islamic organizations, the ‘Love Jihad’ rackets with an unbound channelization of Hindu girls to Muslim community through an illicit & allured love trap, huge Muslim infiltration from Bangladesh and unethical appeasement of Muslims by all the political parties. The gathering observed silence for two minutes in honor of the 26/11 Mumbai Martyrs in the start.
In Bagnan of Howrah district, Upananda Brahmachari, Vice President of Hindu Samhati demanded immediate hanging of Ajmal Amir Kasab, the main accused of the 26/11 Mumbai case with a quick probe into the delay of the hanging of Afzal Guru, the only accused alive of the attack upon Indian Parliament in 2001. He said that each and every family member of the Martyrs and other civilians want immediate hanging of the religious Islamic fundamentalist named Ajmal Kasab. He urged the audience to come up gallantly for self resistance and counter the militancy in all methods possible to protect the Motherland from the clutches of Islamic fanatics.
In another well attended meeting at Gopal Nagar in Hoogly district, Hindu Samhati President Tapan Ghosh said “The Islamic forces have gained solidly in Bengal isoil and it is being nurtured by every single political party of West Bengal. The state’s borders are being used by the Islamists as an extended portion or the corridor of the developing Islamist nexus in Bangladesh. The situation is very alarming and we can analyze the extreme torture and severity upon Hindus in the Muslim majority districts in West Bengal. The Jihadi activities in West Bengal are growing day by day. We cannot be sure that another repetition of 26/11 won’t occur in this situation. We need and demand drastic action”.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Press Release : Homage to 26/11 Martyrs on 1st Anniversary - Kolkata (with Pictures)
Homage to Martyrs in 1st anniversary in Kolkata
In a very befitting manner Hindu Samhati’s Kolkata unit observed 1st anniversary of Mumbay mayhem on 25/11/09 at College Square in front Calcutta University . Hindu Samhati, Kolkata organized this occasion to pay deep respect to the Great Martyrs and to express whole-hearted sympathy to the bereaved families of the martyrs with specific demand to hang Azmal Amir Kasab, the lone Paki terrorist still alive and under trial in the special court meant for the case.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Jinnah - Jaswant - Pakistan by Tapan Ghosh
What is the real truth regarding the partition of India or creation of Pakistan? Who was responsible for it? Is Jinnah responsible for the partition or not? Gandhi, Nehru, Patel -- are they all responsible for the partition of the country? Or is it the fact that they all are partially responsible! Only British imperialism is responsible? Was Jinnah really secular? In 1920, during Non- Cooperation & Khilafat movement, Gandhi sided fully with obscurantist Maulana Mohammed Ali and Saukat Ali and sidelined modern Jinnah. Was Gandhi’s neglect coupled with Nehru-Patel’s lust for power responsible for transforming the modern, progressive Jinnah to a separatist and Islamic fundamentalist? All these questions have cropped up from Jaswant Singh’s much published book “Jinnah, Partition and Independence”. It is a healthy sign and Jaswant deserves thanks for that.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Hindus Fight Back in Bongaon
In a shocking case of punishing the victim, local police officials in Bongaon area have arrested eight members of Hindu Samhati for protesting against land-grabbing by Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators. Mr. Ajit Adhikari, Mr. Somnath Pal and seven other workers of HS were arrested while protesting against police atrocities in the land grabbing incident and have been locked in jail without bail. Even more shocking is the fact that no action has been taken by the police against those Islamists involved in the land-grabbing.
The incident started when members of the Hindu Samhati group recovered an agricultural land in the Eropota village of Bongaon subdivision, legally owned by an Indian citizen Mihir Mandal but was later forcefully occupied by Islamic group supporting Bangladeshi illegal immigrants. Around 4:30 PM on October 21, 2009, activists of Hindu Samhati protested at the Bata More junction of Jessore road, a highway near the border area of India and Bangladesh and demanded the immediate release of the arrested workers, including Mr. Adhikari and Mr. Pal. At 5:45PM, the police arrived and mercilessly beat up the protesters without any warning and arrested other members.
The place of incident, Bongaon, is a sensitive border town less than 3 km from international border with Bangladesh. The population of illegal Islamic infiltrators has steadily increased over the years and the local police have refused to take action against anti-social elements from Bangladesh in fear of retaliation by local Islamist groups.
The police are also allegedly acting on behalf of politicians with vested interests to secure electoral votes in upcoming legislative assembly elections from Muslims. With increasing terrorist attacks in a number of places across India, Bangladesh has increasingly become a favorite channel to route jihadis (Islmic religious terrorists) to India and this border area has become a hotspot for smuggling.

Friday, October 30, 2009
Hindu Samhati Is Not Alone !
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Powerful Hindu Protest Against Islamist Persection in Taki-Hasnabad
In retaliation for this defensive action, on October 25th 2009, about 30-35 Muslim youths from Sankhchura village came to Taki town and beat up 2-3 Hindu boys and fled.
On 26th October, twenty-six clubs of Taki town joined hands. 3 to 4 thousand Hindu people gheraoed (encircled) Taki Police Station and organized a very strong demonstration. Hindu Samhati workers Narayan Ghosh and Dayanjan babu were actively present there.
To control the Hindu reaction, Rapid Action Force (RAF - an elite police force of the Indian government) was brought in by the administration. They restricted movements of common public and stopped public vehicles from outside to enter the town.
The village of Sankhchura is a notorious Islamist controlled village. It is a permanent headache for the administration and local Hindus. Moreover, a number of Jihadis (Silamist reactionary terrorists) and ISI (Pakistani spy agency) agents were caught by police from this village.
Posted by Hindu Samhati's International Communiations Team.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Temple being built by a non-Hindu
Swami Vivekananda
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hindu Women – Focus of Islamic Torture in Howrah
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Hindu Women Attacked & Sexually Assaulted by Islamists in Howrah
In Norit village under Amta Block of
But the Muslim population led by their zealous leadership did not give up. On 9th August 2009, Sunday, they started a riot by beating up an aged named Hindu Sanat Kumar Rit (60) without any reason or pretext. That was at 1.00 pm. Most of the Hindu men folk were not at home at that time. Therefore Hindu women came out to rescue the victim. This was the Muslims’ game plan. They attacked mercilessly upon the Hindu women. The Muslims used swords, iron rods, bamboo sticks and iron kataris without any inhibition. They snatched the gold ornaments, particularly chains, bangles and ear-rings from the Hindu women, even tearing apart the parts of the ears. Then they sexually molested them and beat up and injured them mercilessly.
Hindus informed the police. The Police led by the newly appointed O.C. of Amta P.S. Sri Shuvojit Majumdar reached the spot within an hour. He saw the situation in his own eyes. He himself arranged to send the seriously injured men and women to Amta hospital by his own jeep. He also asked Sri Sanat Rit to lodge a complaint to the Police Station. Accordingly this was done.
But after that, the course of action of the police was changed. Higher Police Officers from district head quarters reached there with separate agenda or instructions: "In any communal incident you must arrest the Hindus first irrespective of their role to show your sensibility towards Muslims and to demonstrate your perfect ‘secularism’". So, under instruction from higher ups, Amta police first arrested one innocent Hindu youth Sri Subhankar Rit who was distributing drinking water to the police personnel deputed there. And they started to threat and scare the Hindus.
By this time the message spread like wildfire over the vast areas. Hindus started to gather in neighboring villages. They were agitated because they were already facing the same disturbing nature and aggressive attitude of the Muslims in all villages of the area. So, they too started violent demonstration as a defensive technique. In this, a number of shops owned by the Muslims were marginally destroyed in two villages – Narit and Gazipur ( NORIT and NARIT are two separate villages).
At night, police raided several Hindu houses and arrested another four Hindus. They arrested three Muslims too. But they did not arrested the two main Muslim culprits Sk. Galim, s/o, Late Samser and Sk. Mahimuddin, s/o, Late Gafur. These two fanatic Muslims led the Islamist mob to attack the Hindu men and women.
Among 15 injured Hindu men and women admitted to
The badly injured Hindus are :
1) Mrs. Tanuja Pal, wife of Gopal Pal (her gold chain and bangles were snatched)
2) Mrs. Nupur Rit, w/o, Haradhan Rit (her ornaments snatched and beaten up by bamboo stick)
3) Mrs. Shipra Rit, w/o, Tapan Rit (she was dragged out of her home and gold ornaments snatched)
4) Mrs. Alpana Pal, w/o, Madhab Pal (she was beaten up by stick)
5) Mrs. Rekha Dutta, w/o, Uday Dutta (ear ring snatched, her ears were scratched)
6) Mrs. Kanak Dutta, w/o, Joydeb Dutta (her legs were injured by sharp iron weapons)
7) Mrs. Basanti Dutta, w/o, Dibakar Dutta
8) Mrs. Lata Pal, w/o, Tulsi Charan Pal
9) Mrs.Satan Dutta, w/o, Kashinath Dutta
10) Mrs.Sakhisona Rit, w/o, Manik Chandra Rit
11) Mrs. Ranu Dutta, w/o, Netai Dutta
12) Mrs. Suchitra Dutta, w/o, Narayan Dutta
13) Mrs. Soma Dutta, w/o, Pradyut Dutta
14) Mrs. Maya Rit, w/o, Bibhuti Rit
15) Mrs. Tapati Dutta, w/o, Chandicharan Dutta
16) Mrs. Tapati Rani Dutta, w/o, Sadananda Dutta
17) Mr. Gopal Pal, s/o, Late Murari Mohan pal (chest bones fractured and lungs
18) Mr. Narayan Gui, s/o, Late Kunjabihari Gui (hit by sword)
19) Mr. Biswajit Rit, s/o, Sri Gopinath Rit ( hit by iron katari)
20) Mr. Bimal Dutta, s/o, Late Kalipada Dutta ( injured by sword)
21) Mr. Sanat Gui, s/o, Late Kunjabihari Gui
22) Mr. Subrata Dutta, s/o, Kartik Dutta
Among the attackers (all Muslims) were :
1) Sk. Mahimuddin, s/o, Late Gafur
2) Sk. Galim, s/o, Late Shamser
3) Sk. Kamal, s/o, Delsahad
4) Sk. Moti, s/o, Delsahad
5) Sk. Lalu Mallick, s/o, Naushad
6) Sk. Bablu, s/o, Lufar Rahaman
7) Sk. Lalchand, s/o, Lutfar Rahaman
8) Sk. Abul, s/o, Panjab Ali
9) Sk. Bashir, s/o, Sk. Moinur
10) Sk. Moti, s/o, Sk. Ahmed
11) Sk. Rahaman, s/o, Late Kaper
12) Sk. Mantu, s/o, Barkat
and many other Islamic activists.
After the incident, former Congress M.L.A. Asit Mitra and leaders from T.M.C. and C.P.I.M. visited the place and all lent their support towards the Muslims.
Hindu Samhati workers are maintaining liaison, helping the victims, looking after the court cases. The Police, under pressure of the Muslim appeaser Political Parties, lodged false cases against Hindu Samhati President of Amta unit Mr. Shyam Gopal Rit and some other most active workers.